My World Just Got Bigger!


I have just returned from a long weekend in Portland, Oregon for a business conference.  This was a far reach from the paralegal conferences from my corporate life!

The conference I had the privilege to attend was named World Domination Summit (WDS).  Now I know this is a big audacious name for a conference and is off-putting to some I’ve found, however it makes perfect sense once you experience it.  Let me explain, this conference is where people who are wanting to do something awesome with their talent, gift or voice can gather each year to share, inspire, further develop and connect.  I was one of the lucky ones to obtain a ticket to this year’s sold out event.

At WDS I had the opportunity to meet all sorts of coaches, photographers, yogis, videographers, bloggers, world changers and thought leaders.  I met people who were accomplishing extraordinary things and I met people who were just figuring out that they needed something more but weren’t sure what that was.  From the people living on fire to those just waking up, it was a vast, beautiful gathering of kindred souls.

I attended this event alone, knew no one attending and came away with a number of incredible connections and friends.  I met amazing people whom I hope to introduce you to over the course of the year with guest posts and other experiences as possible.  I also had the great fortune of hearing some of my most admired mentors present moving stories of their journey and share pieces of their lives and hearts.  The weekend was filled with education, inspiration, silliness, laughter, thoughtfulness and tears.  I rode the emotional roller coaster and walked away changed by those willing to trust me to share their triumphs and battles.

I learned so much from this weekend about reaching people and what moved me the most was the sharing of difficult experiences from the attendees and the speakers.  I have spent much of my life during times of turmoil being skilled at putting pain in a bucket on a shelf until there was an “appropriate” time to deal with it.  The presenters this weekend taught me that sometimes the most inappropriate time to deal with something turns into an amazing healing moment among an audience filled with caring strangers.  I learned that by choosing not to share some emotions I am missing an opportunity to connect with others and more importantly, I am missing an opportunity for others connect with me.  So as I continue to hold space for others in times of need, I have learned to be willing to allow others to do the same for me.

So I ask you to consider, is there something you are putting up on a shelf and thereby missing an important connection?  Are you missing out on the fullness of a relationship by choosing which emotions to reveal?

In the end I discovered the audaciously named World Domination Summit is not about taking over the planet, it’s a gathering where creativity, adventure connection, love and compassion dominate our world.

Welcome to my world.



3 thoughts on “My World Just Got Bigger!

  1. Myra

    This conference is going on my bucket list…reading your blog about it…almost made me feel like I was there and experiencing what you experienced. So lovely to hear of this.


  2. Oh! Envy!! I so want to go to WDS but it always seems to conflict with other things with my family… the timing never seems right. I guess I’ll get there when it is the right time for me!


  3. Pingback: What Happened at WDS 2015? Unfiltered Attendee Reviews, Round I : The Art of Non-Conformity

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